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“Accelerate Change or Lose" General C.Q. Brown, US Air Force chief of staff
In 1898, the War Department and the Smithsonian Institute had given a 70000USD grant to Samuel Pierpont Langley, a scientist of the Allegheny Observatory and secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, to further develop his “aerodrome” models into a piloted airplane. The dawn of human flight however is attributed to the Wright brothers in 1903, financed by a 1000USD profit made from their bicycle shop, 9 days after the 2nd unsuccessful demonstration of Pierpont's prototype.
It illustrates that very early on the military has shown interest in human flight technology and the need to master the skies to gain a competitive advantage. It equally illustrates the importance of innovation as the design and approach of the Wright's was completely different from Pierpont's academic approach. The decades that followed have seen Air Power needs driving the technological evolution but also vice versa, technological advances shaping Air Power application. After more than 120 years, the interaction is undeniable.
However, high tech is no longer the panacea, as we have seen in the most recent conflicts. It can be defeated by mass produced low tech or innovative answers. To quote the Chaiman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , General C.Q. Brown, now more than ever we need to “accelerate change or lose”. The question begs however what needs to accelerate or change first, technological advancement to drive Air Power application or Air Power to define technological needs?
This year’s air power seminar will investigate the question shedding light on what to expect in the coming years with regards to technological evolution and Air Power application, to better prepare the Air Force to face the future.
Videoconference link to teams meeting (please mute your microphone and disable your webcam). The meeting will be recorded.
The link will also be available on the Department Air Ops Share point: Air Power Seminar (mil.intra) - and will be shared via mail after registration.
Please indicate if you wish to attend via videoconference in the registration below.
Registrations will be closed on Feb 12th, 2025
Note: the conference will be in English without simultaneous translation.
Dresscode: working dress for Mil and smart casual for Civ