- Col BAM Carlos de VAULX de CHAMPION
- Dario Vervaet
- Marc Ongena
Mobility and access to the venue location:
- General information:
- Hoe ons bereiken (hopitalmilitaire.be) - Comment venir chez nous (hopitalmilitaire.be)
- The Military Hospital Queen Astrid is situated in a LEZ.
- Venue location:
- The symposium will be hosted in the Auditorium of the Military Hospital Queen Astrid.
- You can directly access the Auditorium from the outside. Therefore, you do not need to enter the main entrance of our hospital.
- All attendees are asked to sollicitate our parking area 2, which is situated much closer to the venue than our parking area 1 (see map below)

- Simultaneous translation will be provided in Dutch and French.
- A free lunch will be offered to all participants.
- We provide alternatives for participants with meal restrictions (vegetarian, …)
- A specific registration desk will be foreseen for accreditation purposes.
- We ask all attendees, whom are entitled to this accreditation, to provide their PQK or RIZIV number upon registration.
Dress (military attendees only):
- Military participants are asked to participate in military uniform – type 3 (F/N).
- If you do not own this type of military uniform, you are asked to participate in civilian clothes.
- The mask policy has been changed. You no longer are obligated to wear a protective mask, but we still recommend you to wear one.